One Gate Media
Renaming Studio Hamburg Enterprises

A renaming can have many reasons, but in any case it is a special challenge. Especially with a name that has been established for decades and is known throughout the industry, such as "Studio Hamburg Enterprises," which was founded more than 60 years ago as a subsidiary of NDR and has since exclusively marketed the brands of NDR and Radio Bremen, as well as the archives of the Tagesschau and NDR. The renaming was the necessary "next step in the development of the company".
Nevertheless, it is never easy to part with an existing name and get used to a new one. In the case of Studio Hamburg Enterprises, the renaming process accompanied by Namestorm from the beginning was successful and the new name "One Gate Media" was successfully introduced in 2022. In the naming process, the focus was on the distributor's direct and uncomplicated "everything from one source" structure. With the easily understandable and catchy name "One Gate", the name (and look) are now fresh and contemporary.