The Brand Naming Blog

Xperian Vorschaubild

XPERIAN, CASCAN & Co. - Naming for caravanning

Our reference list of strong names for the caravanning industry is growing. Whether luxury in panel van format, exclusive caravan series, or pioneering caravanning brands. We develop the right names for traveling on wheels.
Twitter X Picture Eng

Renaming eXtreme: Twitter becomes X

Changing the names of brands or companies is an adventure and a challenge. Especially when it comes to cult brands like Twitter, which has just been renamed X. Can this go well with the new 1-letter brand name? Mark Leiblein from Namestorm reveals what companies can (not) copy.
Key visual of the Sky Original series

DRIFT: Title Consulting for Sky Original Series

Namestorm advised on the title for the new Sky Original series "Drift - Partners in Crime" and accompanied the decision-making process. In our short interview, Markus Fortner, Head of Production Management at Sky, reveals what a series title has to be able to do today and what is particularly tricky about the process.