Naming 2024: From fruit puree to caravanning and high-tech

Creativity is the opposite of routine. That's why we love diversity as a source of inspiration in our daily work. Both in terms of how we work and how we go about finding names, as well as the topics themselves for which we are allowed to create names. Before we are commissioned, we are often asked how many names we have already found in this or that industry or for certain products. This seems important in order to prove our expertise in this area. In most cases, we can also provide the desired references.

In our view, however, it is much more important that we are very broadly positioned in terms of sectors and topics. After all, if you always work on the same topics, you quickly follow the same paths and fall into a routine that needs to be avoided. It is precisely the colorful mix of areas that we already know and completely new topics that leads to the greatest possible wealth of ideas and the best result for every project.

News Diversity Naming 2024 ENG


To reach this, we regularly incorporate surprises and less familiar things into our everyday lives, frequently change locations or switch to remote mode completely, and use different methods and tools to stimulate creativity. Regardless of whether we already have experience in an industry or are approaching a task with no prior knowledge at all: The colorful mix of diverse topics is the best prerequisite for creative, original approaches.

In 2024, the range of projects we were able to work on was extremely broad and inspired us to come up with creative highlights.

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Mustimo - the lemonade you mix yourself

Our naming highlight from the food sector with a Greek flair: contrary to what you might think, the do-it-yourself lemonade has nothing to do with syrup, but consists of 100% real fruit puree. So you get the “taste of a whole Greek garden” at home - without having to lug heavy bottles around.

Namestorm was given the task of creating a name for the Hamburg-based start-up PA-THOS Paschalis' fruity, fresh drink idea. The Greek origin - of the fruit and the founders - was an important element in the search for a suitable name. 

Product naming with a fresh Greek touch: Mustimo

With the “fresh mixture” of the Greek word for delicious - nostimo - and the German “Mus” (purree) this has been achieved. The company has even included the name story as a formula in the claim: Fruchtmus (fruit puree) + [nostimo] (Greek for delicious) = mustimo! Mix yourself freshness! This explains the name at first glance and immediately sticks in the mind. The bright design does the rest.

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Names for innovative school branches: Via and Vox

Naming two school branches for Stiftsgymnasium Wilhering was a particularly inspiring project for us, because never before in our almost 20 years of existence have we been able to name an educational branch. Stiftsgymnasium Wilhering near Linz, Austria, has expanded its educational program in order to better meet the challenges of the future. Under the motto “Designing a better world starts at school”, a new path was to be taken “that combines tradition and innovation”.

Via Vox EN Vorschaubild

Diversity in school education: new Via and Vox school branches

We threw ourselves into finding a name for the two school branches with passionate enthusiasm. The task was challenging for many reasons: There had already been an internal brainstorming session, from which some promising ideas had emerged. These were to be incorporated and the names should be agreed in a process as transparent and democratic as possible. In addition, the wishes and requirements of the entire college of over 60 teaching staff were to be collected and taken into account. In a carefully moderated process, the names VIA and VOX were chosen as the winners from a wide range of possible names:

  • VIA - Explore New Paths aims to prepare students for the challenges of the rapidly changing world of the 21st century. In addition to the traditional subjects, the subject “Future Workshop” is at the heart of this innovative educational concept.
  • VOX - Discover Your Voice focuses on the development of linguistic, creative and communicative means of expression. The wide range of general education subjects is complemented by “Communication and Creative Expression”.

The two Latin words VIA = way and VOX = voice lead directly to the respective educational content of the branches via the meaning and also fit together perfectly as a name pair in appearance and pronunciation.

The highlight: the two Vs as initial letters result in the initial letter W of Wilhering Grammar School, thus incorporating the origin and tradition of the educational institution.

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Xperian: Futuristic caravanning brand

Namestorm has already found several names for new products in the caravan, motorhome and liner segment. In 2024, a special task awaited the CaravanNaming experts: Knaus Tabbert was developing a new innovative caravanning brand that would “define new standards in the industry”. Everything new and different.

When it came to finding a name for this pioneering brand, Namestorm was once again asked to combine the spirit of adventure with futuristic innovation in one name.

Xperian Vorschaubild


The name Xperian combines both: Expedition and a completely new experience have been freshly combined for this name. With a concise X at the beginning and an ending that sounds like the first name of a cool traveling companion.

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Name system with chill factor: VALEGRO recirculating cooler

Cool, cooler, Valegro! For us, technical devices and innovations mean immersing ourselves in a completely different world. This year, we have once again learned some very exciting things about technical processes, whether it's naming for metalworking, sewage sludge centrifuges or heating and cooling appliances. 

The new circulation coolers - also known as chillers - from Julabo, for example, are environmentally friendly all-rounders for a wide range of heating and cooling tasks. They impress with their excellent ratio of cooling capacity to appliance volume and their ease of use.

The modern and user-friendly appliances therefore perform reliably and make everyday industrial or laboratory work easier. This ease was also the origin of the naming system for the new product range, which was launched in 2024.

An advertisement for the circulating chiller VALEGRO by Julabo.

First product name of the naming system for recirculating chillers: VALEGRO 

The name Valegro is derived from the musical term “Allegro”. Similar to a “cheerful, lively” piece of music, the new chiller fills the environment with the right temperature with its cooling performance. Other names developed by Namestorm in this new series will be released soon.

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These and other naming projects show the diversity and creative solutions for every project, regardless of the topic or industry. Feel free to contact us - we look forward to challenging, complex or innovative naming projects in 2025.

Namestorm wishes you an inspiring start to the New Year!

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Further News:
  1. 1/8/25 – Diversity in naming - our 2024 highlights
  2. 10/31/24 – XPERIAN, CASCAN & Co. - Naming for caravanning
  3. 9/15/23 – Renaming eXtreme: Twitter becomes X